About agency

Nineseven – one of the leaders among Belarussian companies on the market of the digital – solutions development. We implement ideas for increasing ROI and market share.

We are located in Minsk and work with customers throughout CIS and Europe. We understand business needs and create websites according to the conversion and sales.

Our approach is described as follows:

You give the direction and tasks and we do all the rest – work out ideas, strategy and web-development.

Watch company presentation

We have been creating websites for market leaders and ambitious start-ups for 15 years.


Our principles at work

Love to the work

Otherwise the work won’t be effective.

Eager-eyed people work in the teams. Projects are created in proactive atmosphere, that’s why they’ve got modern appearance and qualitative program code.

Explain the process with simple words

The creation of a website or portal is always a difficult process and a great deal of technical nuances. We explain our own processes with simple words and analogies.

It is convenient to cooperate with us.

We make websites that are easy to manage

We’ve got a big experience in website development on the most popular platform in Belarus and Russia – 1C – Bitrix. It is maximum simple in coping and managing. Besides, it has regular mechanism of the update from 1C, SAP and other ERP – systems.

Create a product aimed to increase ROI and market share

Knowing the business and technologies we create products that really produce the result.

It is confirmed by the fact that we are cooperating with many big customers within 3-5 years.

Teams motivated to the result

For each project a team is organized that will be able to achieve set results. Because of strict requirements to the quality and speed of work we have organized a team which eliminates weak people during test period.

And the main principle

We do the working over the ideas and strategies for the website. The customer follows the results.

We assume routine operations with the website development and support helping our clients to focus on business.

years of experience
Each of key employees has started his career earlier but we have been working as one team since September 2010.
On business analysis, analytics, design and programming. Up to 80% of projects we do without outsourcing specialists.
projects a year
Average number of projects. We don’t chase after the quantity and we don’t produce mechanically one-day sites.
companies on support
The work on online – projects is a constant development. We work with HADI – cycles. Analyze, modernize.


in Runet Rating 2017 over Belarus
in rating of online shops developers in Belarus – midscale
in rating of web-studios working with corporations
in Bynet Rating


1st place in
“Online shops” nomination —
TIBO – 2018
Gold in
“The best websites of financial institutions”
Golden website 2014
1st place
“Entertainments and sports”
Runet Rating 2014
1st place in
“Culture, art, society” —
TIBO -2014
3rd place in
“Culture, arts, society” —
Runet Rating 2012
3rd place in
“Corporate websites” — bambolina.by
Marketing.by 2014
2nd place in
“Services” — uplift.io
Marketing.by 2014
1st place in
“Personal pages and acquaintance” —
Award.kz 2012
You can order the project, get a consultation on info@nineseven.ru
or you can fill the application form.
Fill the application form
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