Nineseven services

Online shops
We have launched 50+ online shops during 5 years. Some of them are on our support.
We understand work delicacy of online sales, interfaces nuances and technical aspects. We use Bitrix as the platform.
We work at any lifecycle stage of your shop.

Web – services
Under services we understand technically difficult non-typical projects: start-ups, online services, portals.
We prepare the structure and functional requirements, integrate external services, optimize for high loads. We use git, yii, bootstrap, sphinx, redis, rabbitmq.

Technical support
We offer not only technical support but also initiative in the project development.
We will conduct website audit, eliminate problems, insert new interface and technological solutions. We will optimize the work on the website for your employees.

Web – services
We research quantitative website indexes, frame hypotheses, modernize interface.
Work cycle: build sales funnel – insert – measure indexes changes – modernize.

We will prepare project structure, will draw prototypes and will wrap it into technical task with the work description not seen to an eye.
Obligatory step for projects with complicated structure and quite big list of requirements.